
domenica 11 novembre 2012

Olive Oil's Technical Sheet

Oily liquid that goes from yellow to green, according to the cultivar (type of pasta)
One liter weighs from 910 to 916 gr.
Melting point: from 5 ° to 7 ° C
Solidification point: at + 2 ° C
Critical temperature: 210 ° C to the
Critical point of the main acids:
Olive oil: 210 ° C
Lard: 180 ° C
Fat frying: Around 180 ° C
Margarine: 150 ° C
Butter: 110 ° C
Acidity: variable
Extra virgin olive oil: 0 all'0, 80% max
Virgin olive oil: dall'0, 80-2%
Ordinary virgin olive oil: from 2.00 to 3.3%
When the acidity is higher or the taste is bad regardless of its degree acidity of the oil is "refined"
Composition: 99% of fat (900 calories per 100 grams.)
Vitamin E (from 3 to 30 mg.)
Provitamin A (carotene)
Saturated Fat: 8 to 23.5%
Unsaturated fatty acids: 75.5 to 90.5%
Monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid): from 56 to 83%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid): 3.5 to 20%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (linolenic): from 0 to 1, 5%
Saponification: Olive oil "virgin" or "refined" 184-196
Refined olive-pomace oil: 182-193

Ratios iodine compared the plant (limits inscribed in the standard Alimentarius recommended internationally)
olive oil "virgin" and "refined" 75-94
olive pomace oil "refined" 75-92
For other edible vegetable oils: peanut oil: 80-106
sunflower oil: 110-143
soybean oil: 120-143
cottonseed oil: 90-119
corn oil: 103-128
Rapeseed oil: 94-120
sesame oil :104-120

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