Oily liquid that goes from yellow to green, according to the cultivar (type of pasta)
One liter weighs from 910 to 916 gr.
Melting point: from 5 ° to 7 ° C
Solidification point: at + 2 ° C
Critical temperature: 210 ° C to the
Critical point of the main acids:
Olive oil: 210 ° C
Lard: 180 ° C
Fat frying: Around 180 ° C
Margarine: 150 ° C
Butter: 110 ° C
Acidity: variable
Extra virgin olive oil: 0 all'0, 80% max
Virgin olive oil: dall'0, 80-2%
Ordinary virgin olive oil: from 2.00 to 3.3%
When the acidity is higher or the taste is bad regardless of its degree acidity of the oil is "refined"
Composition: 99% of fat (900 calories per 100 grams.)
Vitamin E (from 3 to 30 mg.)
Provitamin A (carotene)
Saturated Fat: 8 to 23.5%
Unsaturated fatty acids: 75.5 to 90.5%
Monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid): from 56 to 83%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid): 3.5 to 20%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (linolenic): from 0 to 1, 5%
Saponification: Olive oil "virgin" or "refined" 184-196
Refined olive-pomace oil: 182-193
Ratios iodine compared the plant (limits inscribed in the standard Alimentarius recommended internationally)
olive oil "virgin" and "refined" 75-94
olive pomace oil "refined" 75-92
For other edible vegetable oils: peanut oil: 80-106
sunflower oil: 110-143
soybean oil: 120-143
cottonseed oil: 90-119
corn oil: 103-128
Rapeseed oil: 94-120
sesame oil :104-120
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