
sabato 17 novembre 2012

Premi Fruttato Verde CRU 2012

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde CRU nel corso dell'anno 2012 ... 
 Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Green  in the year 2012 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Fruttato Verde CRU 2008

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde CRU nel corso dell'anno 2008 ... 
Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Green  in the year 2008 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Verde 2012

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde nel corso dell'anno 2012 ... 

cliccare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Green in the year 2012 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Verde 2011

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde nel corso dell'anno 2011 ... 

Cliccare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Green in the year 2011 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Verde 2010

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde nel corso dell'anno 2010 ...  

Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin oil Fruity Green in the year 2010 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Verde 2009

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde nel corso dell'anno 2009 ...

Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Green in the year 2009 ...

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Verde 2008

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extravergine Fruttato Verde nel corso dell'anno 2008 ...

Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from extra virgin Fruity Green in the year 2008 ...

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Verde 2007

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Verde nel corso dell'anno 2007 ... 
Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Green in the year 2007 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Oro 2012

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Oro nel corso dell'anno 2012 ...

Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Gold  in the year 2012 ...

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Oro 2007

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Oro nel corso dell'anno 2007 ...

Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Gold  in the year 2007 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Oro 2008

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Oro nel corso dell'anno 2008 ...

Clickare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Gold  in the year 2008 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

Premi Fruttato Oro 2010

Premi e Riconoscimenti ottenuti dall'Olio Extra Vergine Fruttato Oro nel corso dell'anno 2010 ... 

Cliccare sui vari link per visualizzare gli attestati.

Awards and Recognitions obtained from Extra Virgin Oil Fruity Gold  in the year 2010 ... 

Click on the various links to see the certificates.

domenica 11 novembre 2012

Clichés, prejudices, and truth on Extra Virgin Olive Oil E.V.O.

Here is a more or less complete list of the various Clichés, prejudices, and truth on Extra Virgin Olive (E.V.O.) Oil. Our goal is to try to confirm whether or not it is justified. 


 - that olive oil is more fat oil seeds. In reality, all oils contain the same amount of fat (99%) and provide ± 9 kilocalories per gram and therefore does not more fattening than seed oil, on the contrary, being more flavorful and viscous greater satisfaction to the taste and bastandone a smaller amount also allows us to save money.
 that the oil dietary or oil light does not make you fat. The oil is an oil diet supplemented with vitamins and other essential components (many already and fundamental characteristic of olive oils). The oil light has a color not too bright, which apparently gives a feeling of low density. The calorie-energy is the same for all oils (including seed) and the assumption that a coloration "charge" would correspond oil "heavier" and therefore less digestible, is absolutely false.
 - the best system of extraction is the traditional one for pressure. In fact, modern systems of extraction centrifugation or percolation, if well managed, can produce oils better quality than conventional systems because not permit exchanges with moliture earlier
- that the cold-pressed oil is a special type. Good standards of machining require, during all stages of the production process, the maintenance of the lowest possible temperatures (the processing temperature of the olive paste with a conventional system is about 18-22 ° C, while molendoleabsolutely cold is impossible, since the simple mechanical process of crushing creates heat; the addition of very hot water can alter the components of the baggage organoleptic (smells and tastes) of the product. However, if we press the "cold" olives poor, we will have an extra-virgin olive oil obtained by "cold pressing" but definitely of poor quality.
- virgin oil from the first pressing is particularly valuable. Indeed the term "first cold press" means only that it is an oil "virgin", but it is always possible that the result of the first pressing is an oil with missing titles to fit in category of extra virgin
- for a liter of olive oil are It takes about 5 kg of olives. On average, the oil obtained from olives is 20 % by weight, with variations depending on the cultivar, from the time of collection, production of office, by the seasonal, the extraction system, etc. ..
- the color of the oil determines its quality. The professional tasters use a colored glass in order not to be influenced. Green with yellow more or less intense, depends only on the cultivar, ripeness and the process of extraction. The oil color is an indication of impairment only in the presence of reddish reflections (the oil has deteriorated because it was stored unprotected from light).
- that Italian extra virgin is the best in the world.  True and False. In some areas (Umbria, Tuscany, Apulia, etc.), thanks to the particular cultivar, environment , cultivation techniques and extraction, you can get the oils that are the "top". Be careful because in the same areas, disregarding the rules of production quality, you get bad oils. In different parts of the world you can get a quality oil.
- that quality depends only on the extraction system. Many factors determine the quality of an oil. The most important are: the environment, the cultivar, the farming techniques, the time and the system of collection, the duration and conditions of storage of the olives, the technology of processing and storage conditions of the oil. A high quality oil is obtained by choosing appropriately the cultivation environment and cultivars, avoiding parasites, picking olives in optimum period (November), making harvesting olives from the tree and not on the ground, put the olives in aerated plastic containers and not in bags and store them in a cool, ventilated, milling within 24-48 hours and adequately managing the extraction systems, paying particular attention to hygiene, limited contact with oxygen and temperature control.
- that after a few months the oil loses its qualitative characteristics. No .. oil should be preferably consumed within 12-15 months, because after that period it loses its main organoleptic qualities (color, taste, aroma, etc.), however, especially if the oil comes from cultivar characterized by high content of polyphenols, if the collection was made in the best period, and if the storage was adequate, the oil can maintain high quality characteristics for a year and a half.
- the best containers for oil are those in terracotta. The best containers are stainless steel ones. Are also excellent glass containers opaque (i.e. non-transparent to light). It is preferable that the shape of the containers having the bottom and the mouth of the narrower central part, so as to reduce the contact surface respectively with the sludge and with the air. Are to avoid the plastic containers because they easily spread their scent oil.
- that olive oil should not be good for frying. Indeed is one of the best fries though certainly more expensive. In fact, withstand very high temperatures without burning (smoke point) and therefore without producing toxic compounds. The advertising insists on seed oils that would ensure fries "read", but it did not with reality.
- that the turbidity of an oil is a sign of poor quality. The of good quality olive oil (extra virgin and virgin), turbidity, if the oil has not been subjected to filtration driven, is a natural phenomenon that tends to decrease with time. At the bottom of the container, it forms a deposit of sludge which you should delete with a transfer.
 - that  an oil that "pinches in my throat" has high acidity. The acidity of the oil is not perceptible to the taste, but can be determined only with a special analysis in the laboratory. The feeling of "tingling" (spicy) is, instead, a positive feature oil, characteristic products in young, because of the presence of substances healthy antioxidants (polyphenols and tocopherols), and its intensity depends essentially on the cultivar, by 'ripening period, from the extraction system and the manner and duration of conservation of the oil. Medicine attaches to these substances a key role against cell aging. 


- that olive oil is good for health. It protects the heart and arteries, it slows down brain aging, prevents atherosclerosis, lowers the level of cholesterol " bad "(LDL) and increases the" good "cholesterol (HDL or" scavenger of the arteries "), protected by monounsaturated fatty acids that is rich in olive oil, prevents the occurrence of tumors and cell deterioration. Olive oil, for its fatty acid composition is similar to breast milk, it is always recommended weaning children and is useful in old age because it promotes the absorption of calcium and mineralization, preventing osteoporosis. The recognition of the best nutritional properties of olive oil over animal fat then generated the misconception that all fat of vegetable origin are good and do well. The result is that some substitute margarine for butter (actually it less caloric oil because it contains water, but has other disadvantages) believing that protect their health. The margarine is produced by hydrogenating vegetable oils, ie making it saturated the double bonds of fatty acids through the absorption of hydrogen. In this way the benefit that vegetable oils lead to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially linked to the presence of mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids, is totally cleared. Another very common mistake is to believe that the best way of life to follow to prevent increase in cholesterol and in general good health and the adoption of a diet as can be poor fat: a diet low in fat tends to lower cholesterol is good and the bad, with an obvious impairment of bodily function.
- that not all the oil classified as" olive oil "is of high quality.  Because often is obtained by blending of rectified olive oil and virgin olive oil other than lampante, whose acidity, expressed as oleic acid may not exceed 1.5. Olive oil with excellent features, however, is the olive oil. 
- that oils D.O.P. (Protected Designation of Origin) offer high quality assurance. The DOP is awarded by the European Community to those oils produced in certain areas that meet a particular set of very rigid, thus ensuring that both characters typical of very high quality standards. can bear the DOP oils produced on all the territories of the countries of the European Community. The recognition D.O.C. (DOC), however, recognizes only valid in the country.
- that the time of harvest influence strongly the quality of the oil. From olives harvested in early maturation (end of October, beginning of November), you get an oil with organoleptic more fruity, more bitter and spicy. From olives harvested when ripe submitted, however, you will get an oil less fruity and less bitter. In addition, the oil obtained from olives harvested in early maturation will be richer in antioxidants (polyphenols) that increase stability and preservation.
That the acidity is an indicator of quality. The acidity is a parameter that indicates the percentage of oleic acid in an oil and is the main indicator of the quality. The higher its value, the poorer is the quality of the product. The acidity is a direct consequence of the release of fatty acids due to hydrolysis of the glycerides, and is a quality parameter defined only by laboratory testing. It is the parameter that allows you to assess any changes in the olives and the oil obtained from them suffer during collection, transport and transformation process. Moreover, its evaluation allows the commodity classification of the oils. The determination of acidity is carried out in the laboratory and a simple analysis is that, by now, almost all the mills can run autonomously. For the precise definition of the concept of free acidity is important to note that the extra virgin olive oils are composed of triglycerides by 98-99 % ie esters formed from glycerol and fatty acids. A part of the latter, however, remains in the free state not combining with the glycerin by determining, in fact, the acidity of the product. These free fatty acids in the oil may increase if acting on a specific enzyme called lipase that is found in the fruit and the process can take action , especially if the drupe suffered injuries phones ( insect attack , injury during collection and transport , poor agricultural environmental ) . The enzymatic activity of the lipase is also favored by rather high temperatures, between 30 ° C and 40 ° C. Therefore, it can be concluded that the degree of acidity of an oil is strongly influenced by the health of the olives, the technology of the collection, storage time, the processing technology used (Elevated temperatures kneading) and care placed by operators in the processing and storage of the product. It is classified as Extra Virgin olive oil with a free acidity content of less than 0.8 g / liter.
- That one kilogram of oil is more than one liter of oil. The specific gravity of the oil at 15 ° C is of 0.915 to 0.919 (kg/m3), therefore a liter of oil has a weight of 915-919 g.

Oil feeding

Recent studies on food and processes nutrients have clarified the reasons why certain foods - traditionally used for decades - is still consumed today. Among these, the olive oil clearly occupies a place of absolute pre-eminence: precious, complex and unique, thanks to its high merits deserved by nutritionists the deserved fame of true "elixir of life".

The numerous biological properties of this dressing for millennia protagonist of the Mediterranean cuisine, make it a passe-partout essential for the health and a real "Food" suitable to the natural requirements of a proper diet, modern and well-balanced.

In the world supply, is the only fat (vegetable) fluid good use "raw" in sauces and salads, without any danger, and indeed, it is the use of oil olive oil, raw n'esalta full advantage of its unique characteristics scent and flavor. E ', moreover, essential in cooked foods in the kitchen Italian, because it helps to blend the flavors of the various ingredients of Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is also recommended for the occasional frying of foods, because, also in this system of cooking at high temperature, retains a part of its fatty acids (unlike other oils that I forgive them at all).
It has a well balanced content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids that ensure it is easily digestible and is particularly suitable for this to the diet of the elderly and for the growth of children.

Not only, plays an important energy because it provides about 30% of the energy of an organism daily needs and keeps the joints "dissolved". The calorie Olive Oil is a little more than 9 calories per gram (About 115 per tablespoon of oil) as in any other vegetable oil. The oleic acid - a monounsaturated fatty acid - is typical of Olive Oil: it is due to the beneficial action of controlling the rate of cholesterol blood. His other fatty acids - such as acids, also known as fat essential - are contained in olive oil in optimal proportions.
To keep your body and mind healthy and in good shape, in addition to proteins, vitamins, sugars and minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus etc..) is necessary to ingest normally also other substances, that the human body can not synthesize here is that the olive oil meets optimally also to this need because it provides the body with antioxidants (polyphenols, phytosterols, chlorophyll and carotenoids, that perform important protective action) and other essential, as it helps to absorb the vitamins and establishing liposoluble A, D, E and K, as well as minute quantities of aromatic compounds that give flavor to foods, including fruit and vegetables. 

Searches nutrizionistiche also indicate that the oil d 'Oliva has a high digestibility, activates the function of the liver and promotes bile flow thus regularizing the bowel functions. The natural light and authenticity, olive oil also adds its proven therapeutic virtues: regular consumption of olive juice in fact, can help not only to prevent cancer of the colon and breast, but also to prevent diseases cardiovascular, such as heart failure, atherosclerosis etc.. Olive Oil deals an increasingly important place in the kitchen of countries who are not regular consumers because of its effects "medicated" and healthy.
Olive oil, then, to rediscover the ancient pleasures of the table, with more taste and lightness of a healthy and correct.

Chemical composition of Olive Oil

 It's known that characteristics of an olive oil depends on many factors: cultivars, pedo-climatic environment, cropping system, time and collection system olives, technology and methods of processing and preservation product.
The olive oils are different both in organoleptic (Flavor, smell, taste), and for the chemical (composition, acidity, etc.). Many of these factors that influence the quality of an oil not be modified (for example, climatic conditions), since typical of a given place, while others can be easily adapted, as cultivation techniques and methods of extraction. Therefore, to produce a excellent oil need to identify and highlight the characteristics organoleptic and chemical best, worthy of attention by the consumer.

Olive oil is a fat that is presented to the physical state liquid at room temperature (20 ° C), and is made from a chemical point of view for the 98-99% of a mixture of triglyceride fraction called "saponifiable" and the remaining 1.2% a set of compounds that represent "unsaponifiable".

Fatty acids represented more are: 

  • Monounsaturated Oleic Acid: It'sa solid which melts at 16 ° C. At environment is presented as a liquid of variable appearance colorless to yellowish and distinctive smell. Under form of  triglyceride is an important component of animal fats and is the most abundant constituent of the majority of oil plant. Oleic acid is the acid of about 75% of olive oil. The percentage of free oleic acid present in olive oil determines its acidity and consequently its denomination. So that the olive oil be considered virgin, is allowed a percentage of free oleic acid not exceeding 0.8% by weight total. As part of is present in important biological structures, such as cell membrane   lipoproteins.
  •  Essential polyunsaturated Linoleic acid : It looks like a liquid colorless, with  melting point  -5 ° C. Linoleic acid is present in all oils plants and is abundant in many of these, including in particular seed oil Cannabis , oil safflower and oil  sunflower , but also, to a lesser extent, oil corn , oil soy , in the plant of green coffee and others. It is also present in some of fats animal origin. Linoleic acid is one of the fatty acids Essential and belongs to the group of </ span> Omega 6. It  is studied her role (in some cases established, in others only speculated) in the prevention or in the treatment of various diseases, including infarction ,  cancer, diabetes, fibrosis cystic. It also seems that this fatty acid is involved lowering of   cholesterol, acting on intestinal absorption.
  • Saturated Palmitic: is one of the fatty acids saturated more common in animals and plants. It is a white solid which melts at 63.1 ° C. The name comes from the fact that it is the oil of palm, but it is also contained in the and meat. Palmitic acid is the first fatty acid produced during the acid synthesis fat and it can be produced more long chain fatty acids. Some derivatives palmitic acid were used during the War World for produce napalm.
  • A stearic acid: a carboxylic acid ambient temperature (25 ° C </ span>) looks like a solid, white scales more or less large, rancid odor. Insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol soluble acetone and ether. Together with the ' palmitic acid as the stearin used for the production of candles.
Acids unsaturated fat, which is rich in the right measure as required by modern dietetics contain between the minor constituents, but no less important:
  • Beta-carotene (Provitamin A): The carotene is a provitamin terpene contained in carrots and many vegetables that gives red or orange. Since its metabolism produces two molecules of vitamin A.
  • Tocopherols (vitamin E) : In oil olive tocopherols are present with forms α, β, γ and δ. 90% of the component is in the form α tocopherol, which is also the most biologically active and known as vitamin E. The tocopherols are natural antioxidants that inhibit the process of rancidity of product, and to carry out this protective function is necessary that the ratio between quantity of Vitamin E (mg) and that of polyunsaturated fatty acids (g) is not less than 0.79 mg / g;
  • Phenolic compounds etc.:  a number of substances antioxidants (both important for the conservation of the oil, which for the nutritional aspect and anti-aging (antagonists of free radicals). The phenolic compounds in olive oil differ from those contained in the olives, and their quali-quantitative is strongly influenced by variety, stage of maturity at collection and extraction process. In fact, being water soluble, during the process of extracting a substantial proportion of polyphenols is removed with the vegetable water; also is known that the enzymatic actions that take place during the extraction determine the split into simpler molecules compared to those found in olives. The olive oil virgin and extra-virgin however, are the only vegetable fats which contain naturally quantity appreciable (50-500 mg / kg) of phenolic substances; the reference to oils virgin is not random because any kind of chemical treatment of correction be done on this product can only destroy fully phenolic natural heritage.
    The antioxidant power of polyphenols, highlighted by some scholars, has established the important role that these compounds play on the stability olive oil, the literature is full of information that calls into significant positive correlation between the amount of total polyphenols in oil virgins and resistance to oxidation over time (induction period). In addition, scholars have highlighted the synergistic action between polyphenols andα-tocopherol (vitamin E) on the stability of virgin olive oil;
  • Phytosterols: important also for their regulatory action absorption of cholesterol. 
Other minor constituents of olive oil
  • Colored Pigments: they give them the color characteristics of olive oil, they are represented by chlorophylls and carotenoids. The type of chlorophylls a and b give the oils extracted just the intense green color, can oscillate between 0 to 10 ppm, and also vary in relation to the cultivars and stage of fruit ripening. These substances are worthy of attention since in the presence of light acting on the oil as a pro-oxidant, while the dark, in synergy with phenols protect it from oxidation;
  • Alcoli: in the oil are aliphatic alcohols and alcohols triperpenici, they are esterified in waxes and have a great importance analytical, for the identification of the oils obtained by extraction with solvent or by mechanical pressure;
  • Other secondary elements: This aldehydes, terpeidi, esters, ketones, etc.. affecting the oil and thus compounds aromatic note involved in its assessment hedonistic. 

The oil virgin olive oil, for its peculiar qualities and its low acidity (0.00 ~ 0.50%), is the best kind of seasoning to be used raw.


                                                The high content of monounsaturated fatty acids represents the element distinctive olive oil compared to other fats of vegetable origin.   Olive oil and olive-pomace oil, being mixtures of refined oils and virgin oils, have some typical components of virgin olive oil in lower percentages.