How to save the heart with a spoon of oil
The daily intake of 25ml of extra virgin associated with healthy lifestyles prevent cardiovascular risk. The Eurolive research has studied how to improve the Mediterranean diet with high quality products.Barbara Mengozzi published in the journal "Olive Oil and" Year-XV No. 4 April 2012The extra virgin olive oil high in polyphenols may help reduce cardiovascular risk.It has come to this conclusion Eurolive study aimed at evaluating the effects of standard daily doses of olive oil, with different doses of polyphenols on oxidative damage of fats (lipids) in the blood.This was a project of great scientific rigor, conducted by a team of European researchers, representing Spain, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Greece, under the direction of Maria Isabel Covas Institut Municipal d'Investigacio Of Medical Barcelona, and financed with funds from the EU Framework V program."The protocolloo research was developed around the late 90s - explains Antonio Vittorino Gaddi, director of the Center for the Study of atherosclerosis and diseases Dimetaboliche GC Descovich University of Bologna - based on three needs: to achieve the unique results of scientific validity, olive oils and the potential of the Mediterranean diet, up to that time being investigated by the fragmentary and conflicting results: the strong interest, manifested primarily by the Spanish group, to investigate the antioxidant effects of olive oil and its mechanism of action and, finally, the curiosity to see if proper nutrition really brings quantifiable benefits, and reproducible. "A Long WaitIt took three years to define the research protocol, conducting the study for five years and as many as analyzing data, publishing results and send all documentation to the European Commission. A long wait rewarded by the recognition of the most prestigious scientific journals and the "Hard Green" EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, which approved the health claims of polyphenols in olive oil allows its presence on labels.According to the EFSA panel there is a cause-effect relationship between the consumption of olive oil polyphenols and protection of LDL (low density lipoproteins that carry the "bad" cholesterol) from oxidative damage. So that it can be claimed that effect must be consumed each day 5 mg of Hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives (the measure of quantitative chemical polyphenols), corresponding to a daily dose of 25 ml of olive oil can easily be inserted in the context of a balanced diet."Before you make public the findings of the project Eurolive - Precise Gaddi - wanted to wait to receive the results obtained the consent of the international scientific community, a process that took time and now we can finally feel complete. EFSA has somehow anticipated and expressed his opinion that allowing a claim, however, suffers a failure, because in some points speaks generically of olive oil and antioxidant effects in our statements relate to ' extra virgin olive oil with high content of polyphenols. "A communication error may be attributed to a conservative attitude towards the general market oil in Europe, which also act multinational and not only small and medium producers that rely on high quality products but of excellence. It would be helpful to the words "extra virgin olive oil" and guaranteed origin, itself related to a quality product characterized by a high content of polyphenols. "It is not correct, from the point of view regolamentatorio, give it a claim to" waste "oil tout court - again Gaddi-it is a condition that is generic to identify a variety of products completely different from each other."EFSA states that not all oils are able to ensure the intake of polyphenols fitting into a balanced diet, but is certainly clearer for the consumer to recommend the preferential consumption, if not exclusive, extra-virgin olive oil (preferably insured and well-preserved) because that's thanks to the high content of polyphenols, through the daily intake of 25 ml provide protection against oxidative stress."In the case of other types of oils, the amounts to be taken daily to secure similar protection are much higher, if not disproportionate."Correct lifestyleObviously, for a correct prevention of cardiovascular risk by the regular intake of 25 ml of extra virgin is associated with lifestyles that involve smoking cessation, regular aerobic exercise and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as well as poor sugar and animal fat, as expected from the Mediterranean diet. This concept was reinforced by a team of young researchers at the University of Bologna, Matthew Cevenini, Valeria De Sando and Daniel Benedict, who investigated the Mediterranean diet and how to improve it with quality products such as vegetable protein, soy, the 'EV Olive Oil, and many other foods "anti-cholesterol".Going into details of the research Eurolive, the participants (200 healthy volunteers, healthy, male, coming from 6 European cities and divided into three groups) were administered daily, with different sequences, 25 ml - amount recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Amministration - olive oil with different concentrations of polyphenols: high (366 mg / kg), medium (164 mg / kg) and low (2.7 mg / kg).
The methodology adopted and the good quality of the study lead to state with confidence that the important role played by the oil extra virgin olive oil in reducing cardiovascular risk should not be attributed only to monounsaturated fatty acids. "The high polyphenol content of olive oil leads to additional benefits associated with the reduction of oxidative damage of lipids and preventive action in relation to myocardial infarction, and coronary thrombosis-dell'ateriosclerosi concludes Gaddi -. But there are other potential effects of testing including the increase in HDL cholesterol on which over several months we will be able to provide accurate results, which for now seem very comforting. "Allies for life."Oil and the heart: allies for life" is the slogan coined by Cno effectively to publicize the results of research Eurolive. The meeting organized in Rome in January jumped to adverse weather conditions, however, was held a virtual press conference, interviewing and networking the statements of the President of Cno Gennaro Sicolo, focusing on the quality of the product to which it is closely related to the protective role of polyphenols."The increase in oil consumption, especially in non-producing countries - said Sicolo - should not invite easy optimism, indeed, must force us to vigilance to prevent unscrupulous manufacturers from passing as Italian oil of this quality that is not. Consumers, for their part, must learn to turn to producers inspected and certified by serious entities, regardless of just saving for a product as valuable to health such as extra virgin. "Below the oil analysis Monterisi on March 23, 2012 made by the Centre Regional Agrochemical at the 9th Festival Monovarietal ASSAM Oil from where you can know the amount of polyphenols present in the various oil company.
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